Category: Financal Literacy

The early American presidents had a very different view of money than most people today. We can still see their faces printed on the front of our bills, but their distant words of wisdom go mostly unheard.

They understood that having centralized control of an entire nations money supply is something that would not be in the best interest of the majority of people.

Thomas Jefferson once said,

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

And he was right. That reality is already here.

  • 40 million Americans are living on food stamps
  • Millions more are homeless living in tents
  • And 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck (in other words, broke).

Thomas Jefferson also said,

The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating.

And how true these words are. The Federal Reserve bank does nothing more than continuously debase the currency by printing more and more dollars, and raising the debt ceiling to greater highs. Those who are the most impacted by this are the poor. Without fair and equal access to financial literacy, the only thing that most people will do is consume liabilities, and continue to get crushed under the ever increasing burden of debt.

Since private central banks control the creation of money, and smaller banks distribute loans and credit, bankers own two-thirds of the entire worlds money supply. The divide between those who are rich and poor is as wide as the grand canyon.

In total, the United States is now over $30 trillion dollars in debt, inflation keeps rising, and its getting worse every day. But who can pay this debt back? The truth is, this is a debt that can never be repaid. It’s beyond that now, it’s growing at an exponential rate. But the tax laws still obligates every single working individual to pay federal taxes regardless.

Abraham Lincoln once said,

The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all public enterprise, and the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and will then become servant of humanity.

He believed that only the government (and not any central bank) should have control over the distribution of wealth.

I think many would argue against this view, but the core of his argument is the same; he knew that private centralized banking would lead to huge divides between the rich and the poor and humanity would ultimately suffer as a result.

During his presidency, Abe Lincoln also attempted to solve this problem by issuing greenbacks, a (now defunct) paper currency that was created by the United States government and not any bank. But his idea never became a reality because he took a bullet in the back for trying to give African-Americans equal rights.

Today, the money-creation process is solely the privilege of the Federal Reserve System. Most people don’t realize that they are not a government agency — they are a private organization that was created in secrecy, and history shows that they covertly stole the money-creating power from the American people.

The recent move towards decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin, is however, a very small push back, it’s a stepping stone towards giving this power back to the people by creating value in virtual currencies that operate in a peer-to-peer fashion without the need for any kind of middlemen. But who’s to say if this will even happen. It most likely seems that the ruling authorities will destroy it before they allow money to ever become privately owned by citizens. But what do you think?

Do you agree with the dead presidents? What do you think about the Federal Reserve bank? And do you think a new kind of peoples money, (like Bitcoin) would help? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Additional Resources

Disclaimer: This article was written for educational and entertainment purposes only. This is NOT financial advice. Always do your own research and please consult with a licensed attorney before making any serious investment. We are not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Upon reading the title of this article, the majority of you readers will probably already have some kind of preconceived notion in your mind. Thinking about how to buy gold, you probably have some level of skepticism.

Some of you will think: Only rich people buy gold. or I can’t afford to buy gold.

But that is not true, because somehow we always seem to find the money to spend on things that we perceive brings value to our lives; such as eating out, or buying the latest iPhone or new clothes.

You can buy penny-sized coins of pure 24-karat gold for less than the price of a smartphone.

Others might think: I have no need for gold.

Do you have a need for money? It might surprise you to learn that the United States Dollar (USD) was originally created as simply an IOU for gold. Gold was/is real money. Whereas the US dollar is simply a currency.

Yes, paper currency only has value because the government says its legal tender. Merchants in America are obligated to accept nothing but USD (in paper or digital form) but its not real money. It’s an instrument that the government can use to control the currency and manipulate interest rates.

Still, others may think: Gold is not a good investment.

Again, this is also not true. Gold may not be the fastest growing asset class in comparison to some tech stocks, but it has exceeded 600% growth in the past 20 years alone. Gold can’t be printed like the US dollar, it’s resistant to inflation and it’s a reliable store of value.

Preconceived notions aside, none of above-mentioned assumptions actually answered the question posed in the title of this article. The question was: SHOULD you buy gold? Not if you can afford it, not if you need it, and not if its a good investment.

So, if you are ready, lets explore the real topic.

Exploring GOLD

As you ponder over these points related to gold, try to keep an open mind, because you might learn a few things that you never knew about what gold is.

When you buy something that is an investment (like a home or stocks) you expect the value to rise. That way you can eventually sell it with a profit, i.e. capital gains. With gold, this does happen but sometimes it happens very slowly. During those times, the stock market can easily outpace gold. They both seem to go back and forth, like a cycle.

A chart showing the Dow / Gold ratio.

That being said, it would not be wise to buy gold expecting a never-ceasing amount of capital gains from it. What you should expect is for gold to maintain your economic wealth as a store value over time.

So wait—if consistent growth doesn’t always happen with gold, does that mean stocks are just a better choice in general? Not at all.

In 1929 the American stock market was at the height of an immense bubble right before it totally crashed. When that happened, millions of investors got completely wiped out. Of course, no one can predict when and if this might happen again but the lesson is clear: those who had gold were safe. The price of gold went from $20.67 an ounce in 1929 to $35 an ounce in 1934, and it still continues to rise today.

Some may argue that holding gold is less safe than owning stocks or cash since these assets are now digital and can be safely stored in your bank or brokerage. And this fact cannot be denied, looking at history again the US government did at one time make it illegal for citizens to possess their own gold. In 1933 they issued Executive Order 6102. By means of this order the government demanded that all citizens hand over their gold to soften the blow of the great depression.

So Gold can indeed be confiscated or stolen by others who are desperate enough and willing to take what they think you might have. But that doesn’t mean that the exact same thing couldn’t happen to cash sitting in your bank account.

In 2013, the island nation of Cyprus experienced a banking debt crisis. To help pay their enormous bank debts the government decided to bail out the bank by taking the needed money from tax payers savings accounts, and by imposing daily withdrawal limits for everyone. The wealthiest depositors even lost up to 40 percent of their savings in one night. The people protested in the streets, but no one could stop it, it was too late. Their money was gone.

Thinking that this could never happen in your country is being overly optimistic, because anything could happen.

The US dollar is a fiat currency. (Fiat money is a currency established by government regulation, which has zero intrinsic value) If you look at history, every single form of fiat monetary system has eventually collapsed and went to zero.

History also shows that global reserve currency status does not last forever. At some point they all eventually have to leave the stage.

Global Reserve Currencies Since 1450

The US dollar has only existed as the world reserve currency since 1944 (when it was established by the Bretton Woods System) and that means it is about 79 years now since it first became a reserve currency. Most don’t last beyond 100 years. Whereas gold has been used to pay for goods since about 700 B.C. (almost 3,000 years ago) and it is still recognized as a store of value in every country on earth even today.

Beyond these facts, some people may still wonder about golds actual intrinsic value:

  • What makes gold so valuable anyway?
  • Why do people desire to own it?
  • Isn’t it just a piece of metal?
  • Just a shiny rock?

Well yes, it is those things but it’s also much more.

Gold is a rare, beautiful and precious metal. It can be melted and shaped into jewelry and it has other useful applications too, such as using it for technological components, like circuit boards and microchips. It conducts electricity well and it’s non-magnetic. It’s also biochemically inert, meaning that you can literally eat it (but please don’t) and it will pass through your digestive tract without causing any harm.

Every computer on earth today has trace amounts of gold and silver inside.

Gold is also one of the least reactive chemical elements on earth. It does not combine easily with oxygen, and although it can corrode, it doesn’t decay. It can literally shine forever. This fact alone makes it extremely valuable. But since it’s so rare, its counterpart (silver) is more widely used as an industrial metal.

How gold is made

Almost all the gold on earth was created within the geothermal core of our planet and small amounts eventually were pushed to the surface through volcanic eruptions. Scientists have said that theoretically they could create gold, but it would require a nuclear reaction so no one has managed to accomplish this thus far.

On the periodic table Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79, making it one of the higher atomic number elements that occur naturally. In its purest form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and a ductile metal.

So now we know that gold is a scarce, beautiful, rare metal that holds an intrinsic store of value. But perhaps you still feel that you have no reason to own gold? Well, here is more incentive:

Zero counter-party risk

Any time you store your money in a bank or keep your stocks in a brokerage there is always some amount of risk with the third party who is holding your money. The bank could go bankrupt, the brokerage can get hacked, and the stock market could suddenly crash. If any of those things happened, the gold that you own (provided its not kept in a bank) would be totally safe. This is why its recommended to keep your gold well hidden, or even better, keep it in a private vault. The wealthiest people keep their gold in private vaults all around the world. Even powerful governments own gold that they keep in vaults.

This is the reason why president Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard in 1971. He knew that he had to keep gold reserves in America. If he had allowed gold to continue flowing overseas eventually America wouldn’t have had any wealth left. And this should tell you something: Gold is real money.

TIPS: Everyone should have some money set aside just in case of an unforeseen emergency. If your emergency savings are kept in gold:
1) it’s not so easy to quickly spend it,
2) there is zero counter-party risk, and
3) it is a reliable store of value and could even gain value.

With all of the above statements made, if you are still reading and if you still think you shouldn’t buy gold, please leave a comment. I think it’s wise to own multiple asset classes including physical gold bullion but I’d love to hear an opposing viewpoint.

If you don’t own Gold, you know neither history nor economics.

Ray Dalio

TL;DR Summary

  • You might think you cannot afford gold or have no need for gold or its not a good investment, none of these are true.
  • Gold can be confiscated or stolen, but the money you have in your bank account is also not completely safe.
  • Holding cash? The US dollar is losing value, and all other fiat currencies in history have went to zero.
  • You might feel pretty secure with money invested in stocks, but if those companies ever go under, so will your investments.
  • Gold is real money. Gold will always have value, but the US dollar won’t.

Additional Resources

Disclaimer: This article was written for educational and entertainment purposes only. This is NOT financial advice. Always do your own research and please consult with a licensed attorney before making any serious investment. We are not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Today Millennials have easy access to a number of online investing tools and mobile apps that make it easy for them to invest in stocks and/or cryptocurrencies.

So let’s review the M1 Finance investment platform and see how it measures up. A score of 10 being excellent, and 1 being the worst.

What does M1 Finance offer?

  • Automated deposits
  • Both individual stocks and ETF’s
  • Can create multiple portfolio “pies”
  • Can invest in fractional shares
  • Mobile app and website
  • Pie charts, graphs, nice UX
  • Self-managed accounts
  • Borrowing at a low 3% APR
  • Smart re-balancing feature
  • Zero fees to invest

My favorite features

Fractional shares

Most people want to invest in great companies like Google, Microsoft or Amazon. The problem is they don’t have enough cash to afford such expensive stocks.

A single share of Amazon (AMZN) costs over $3,000. Ouch. With M1 that’s no problem, because you can buy fractional shares, so you don’t need to cough up the entire share price, you can buy smaller fractions of a share. And if that share earns a dividend, then you can also receive fractional dividends. How nice is that.

Portfolio pies

The investment portfolio pies on the M1 platform are pretty slick. You can add up to 100 slices (stocks, to each individual pie), you can also add pies inside of pies. For example, if you decide to create 4 pies specific to individual sectors, and then if you want each of those pies to take up 25% of a main pie, you can totally do that.

You can even share your pies with other investors via a sharable link. You can download pies from professional investment firms and literally copy their investment strategies if you want, or you can create a completely custom pie of your own.

Retirement accounts

Many people keep their retirement account in a 401k. This is actually a terrible idea unless your employer is giving you a percentage match on your 401k, because in that case at least you are getting something for free.

It’s generally a bad idea because most brokerages will quietly steal from your 401k though mismanagement of your assets, penalties or by way of fees.

Fees of only 1% can slash the value of your savings [or retirement] by 28% over the next 35 years.

US Dept of Labor

On M1 Finance however, you can transfer your 401k (by converting it to an IRA) and then you never have to pay any more fees on it again. I did this, and I love being able to quickly see the value of my retirement account from my phone at any time, and having the ability to easily self-manage it at any time/anywhere is an additional bonus.

M1 Finance provides an intuitive interface even for retirement accounts.

Are there fees?

Nope! Unlike the Acorns/Stash investing apps, on M1 there are no fees when you buy/sell/deposit or withdraw funds.

The entire platform is free for individual investors. There are no trading commissions, no account maintenance fees, and no charges for deposits and withdrawals.

Quoted from

You might be wondering, “Then how do they make money?” If you desire to know, you can find the answer to that question here. I love the fact that they are very open and transparent.

Missed opportunity

The “transfers” tab is a super nice addition to M1 Finance mobile app. It allows you easy access to deposits/withdrawals, etc. Basically maintain all transfers, in and out of your investment account from one convenient location.

So you can do automated deposits and auto investing which is good, but I think not having the ability to do auto withdrawals on dividends is unfortunately a big missed opportunity. For example, perhaps under the transfers tab, add icons for: reinvest dividends | keep dividends in cash account | auto withdraw dividends to external bank account. If they added this, it would be a godsend.

Overall Rating: 8/10

Overall, I think M1 Finance is awesome. The more I use M1 Finance to invest, the more I enjoy it. Being able to self-invest your own money (without fees) is very liberating.

Perhaps someday they might also include decimal points in the pie slices though, for example if I wanted a pie with 15 items divided evenly you can’t do it without inserting something like 6.66666% in each slice. Currently the pie slices must all be whole numbers that total up to 100, so you cannot use decimals. But this is a very minor setback.

Honestly the interface is more intuitive/better than Robinhood.

I’m loving this app and you guys might want to to try them out. (Minimum is $100 to start and then you can invest whatever amounts you want) This way you can decide if you like them or not.

If you guys decide to sign up, use my promo code so we both get $10 bucks for free. What do you think about M1 Finance? Do you love it or hate it? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Disclaimer: This article was written for educational and entertainment purposes only. This is NOT financial advice. Always do your own research and please consult with a licensed attorney before making any serious investment. We are not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Anything that causes money to flow out of your pocket is a liability. Even people—your family for example, can be liabilities.

Average cost: $15K/year.

When you have kids, they need: milk, diapers, food, clothes, toys, school supplies, college, etc.

Average cost: $36K to $91K/year

As your parents get older they need: life insurance, healthcare, medications, respite care, etc.

You love your family, yes, but if you are a provider, taking care of your loved ones is not cheap.

Two-legged liabilities are much more expensive than buying a big TV, or a brand-new car. Two-legged liabilities are arguably the #1 way for most people to burn their cash reserves. And the only way to offset all of this financial loss is by having plenty of insurance + investments.

Your family, should be investing. Your kids, should be investing. Yes, Everyone should be investing! Because if they’re not, you’ll soon find yourself rekt.

When a situation is within your control, take action. When a situation is outside your control, make preparations.

James Clear

Make preparations

Lets face it—there are things coming which you cannot control.

  • Your health, will deteriorate.
  • Your parents, will die.
  • Your kids, will grow up.

This is not me just being negative or making pessimistic comments. This is reality. Now you can either bury your head in the sand and act like this won’t happen, or you can prepare for these inevitable outcomes.

Don’t find yourself in a situation where you say, “I wish I had bought more insurance/investments.” Get that stuff ready.

Teach your family members to buy and hold assets, so they can be self-sufficient. Make sure mom and dad have sufficient life insurance, and (if they let you) health insurance too. Always have auto insurance, and renters insurance too if you need it.

Being single is not a curse

If you have no boyfriend/no girlfriend, no spouse and no kids, then you have NO REASON to not have money. You are 100% in control of your money, minus taxes. That gives you no legitimate excuses for having debt.

Now I’m not saying don’t have kids, or don’t date/marry. What I’m saying is that this money trap exists and you should prepare for it. Your loved ones can do a pretty good job of keeping you broke. So it’s wise to always have some cash set aside in case of emergencies. Have cash, and have investments that are always growing.

Photo of a burning dollar
Liabilities burn your cash reserves.

But what if you are single and just barely getting by? In that case, what you lack is either 1) sufficient financial literacy, 2) self-control/discipline or 3) a financial plan.

Here are some things to remember:

  1. Saving money won’t make you rich
  2. Inflation steals your wealth, so invest
  3. Buy assets, not liabilities
  4. Never spend more than you make
  5. Pay yourself first, always
  6. Compound interest works wonders

So yes, people can be liabilities, but people should never be assets. This means don’t be a user—using other people to pay for your debts. That’s shameful. And embarrassing.

Follow a process, not the money

It’s much easier to set financial goals and stick to them if you have no other family obligations. And that’s not an excuse, its the truth.

It’s also easier to grow wealth if you are focused on the process rather than counting every dollar you make. For example, would you rather have $2000 dollars worth of Amazon stock, or 2000 shares of Amazon stock? (approximate worth over $4 million dollars). Focusing solely upon the value of your assets will be a needless distraction for you. Focus on the fundamentals.

Disclaimer: This article was written for educational and entertainment purposes only. This is NOT financial advice. Always do your own research and please consult with a licensed attorney before making any serious investment. We are not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.